Whipped cream is a very versatile product, but because it is not used in everyday recipes, you may find that one day you need it but you have none at home.
The shops are closed or too far away so you search through your refrigerator, but the only thing you can find is half-and-half.
So what can you do? Can half and half be whipped into something that is exactly like traditional whipped cream? And is it tasty enough to use in your desserts?
Let’s find out if it’s even possible to make whipped cream using half-and-half, how to go about doing it, and what other options you have besides using heavy cream in your dessert.
Can Half-And-Half Be Used To Make Whipped Cream?- The Short Answer
Yes, you absolutely can.
However, half-and-half may not work as well as whipped cream would in a dessert recipe, and it also may be a bit difficult to whip yourself.
This is because the fat level of half-and-half is significantly smaller than that of heavy cream; as a result, it does not whip as effectively and soon loses its volume once you stop whipping.
You are free to use it in a pinch but to get the whip just right you will have to be very careful and be in control of the mixture at all times.
Can Half-And-Half Be Used To Make Whipped Cream? – The Long Answer
Yes, whipping cream can be made from half-and-half if the proper techniques are used.
This is fantastic news if you are in a panic and need some whipped cream in fast, or if you just got a fresh punnet of strawberries and all of a sudden to have a craving for some whipped cream to go with it.
Sadly though, while half-and-half can be used as a whipped cream substitute, it just won’t taste as good as the real thing.
It is the fat in heavy cream that makes it so that it may be whipped to perfection.
In comparison to half-and-half, heavy cream contains between 30 and 40 percent butterfat, which is a much larger amount than in half-and-half (around 12 percent).
Given that heavy cream is simply a kind of cream, this makes perfect sense.
The mixture of cream and milk that makes up half-and-half has a viscosity that is somewhere between milk and cream, making the whipping of it a bit difficult.
You can whip half-and-half, but it will not result in the wonderful, fluffy peaks that are characteristic of perfect whipped cream.
Instead, it will remain in a more liquid state.
Also, because it is a more runny ingredient, Half-and-half will very quickly return to its liquid state as soon as you stop whipping, meaning that it must be served and eaten very quickly to get the full whipped cream effect.
The Best Way To Make Whipped Cream Using Half-And-Half
If you want to use half-and-half to produce whipped cream without adding anything to it, there is one golden rule that you need to follow: the temperature of the half-and-half needs to be very, very cold.
Having this ingredient be very cold is the only way to compensate for half-and-half’s lack of lipids (fats) that half-and-half provides
Because of the cold, the consistency of the half-and-half will become thicker and more sluggish, which will make it easier to whip.
because it being cold is vital to getting a good whip, you also have to make sure that anything the half-and-half touches is cold as well.
This includes the mixing bowl and whisk that will be used to transform it into whipped cream.
Making whipped cream with half-and-half is pretty easy, though it does take a small amount of prep work to get it just right.
Don’t worry though, this is as simple as putting the right things in the fridge/freezer at the right time.
Here is how to make the perfect whipped cream using half-and-half every time.
Until you are ready to use this ingredient, store it in the coldest area of your refrigerator.
When you think that you want to make the whipped cream, prepare by placing everything you will be using (so the mixing bowl, whisk, and of course, the half-and-half) into the freezer.
Keep it there for a time. A minimum of an hour in the freezer will ensure that you can make good whipped cream.
When you are ready, get everything out of the freezer, add the half-and-half to the bowl, and begin to beat it well. It’s important to keep in mind that it deflates more quickly, so you’ll want to whip it just before you serve it.
Whipping cream is very hard on the arms, so after a short time, you may get a bit tired. Don’t worry though, you can make the process a bit easier by adding some melted butter to the mixture.
By adding butter to your cream, you may make it simpler to whip and also thicken it up at the same time. You should use a quantity that is about similar to 1/8 of the total amount of cream.
After making the whipped cream, you may be a bit disappointed that the mixture does not taste the same as typical whipped cream.
However, nothing that you do will make this happen, and the half-and-half still tastes pretty good anyways.
If you find yourself in a bind without access to whipped cream, this will do as an acceptable alternative.
It is possible to whip cream using half-and-half, if you are suddenly in need of whipped cream, although you have to understand that it won’t taste or look the same as whipped cream.
That doesn’t mean that it will taste bad, just that it may not be what you expect.
If you want to avoid the health risks associated with consuming heavy cream, there are a few solid alternatives available to you, including vegan-friendly choices. (Although getting them to whip can be challenging).
Therefore, if you require whipped cream to create the most ideally Instagrammable dish, it is probably best to stick to using heavy cream.
Although half-and-half might be the healthier alternative, heavy cream is the winner when it comes to whipping!
Hi! I'm Kate and I have been baking and cooking for as long as I can remember. I like to share the most interesting tips and recipes I try here on What Kate Baked for you to enjoy. If you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share send it over on social.