Cheesecakes can be very difficult to remove from a pan. Springform pans make this easier, but there are still some tips you can use to make removing the entire cake from a springform pan even easier.
Let’s look at how you can remove a cheesecake from a springform pan.
Removing A Cheesecake From A Springform Pan
There are three main methods to remove a cheesecake from a springform pan. Let’s look at each method in turn.
Slide The Cake Out
This is one of the easiest ways to get a cheesecake from a springform pan. There are several steps to doing this correctly. The first is to leave the cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight. This allows the cheesecake to cool and makes the removal process easier.
Leaving the cheesecake in the fridge to be chilled overnight, reduces the chances of the cheesecake cracking when you slide it out of the springform pan.
Make sure that you don’t put the cheesecake in the fridge while it is still warm. Allow it to cool and become room temperature before cooling the cheesecake overnight in the refrigerator.
Once the cheesecake is cool, you can start to remove the cheesecake from the springform pan.
Use a butter knife to loosen the sides of the cheesecake. A neat trick is to warm the butter knife under hot water first. You can use the knife to loosen the edges of the cheesecake without damaging the edges or crust.
To make removing the cheesecake from the pan even easier, you can gently heat the bottom of the pan. You can do this using either a cook’s blowtorch or your gas burner.
Now you can remove the sides of the springform pan by unlatching the sides of the pan. With the springform pan unlatched, you can slide the cheesecake onto a plate. Remember to gently slide the cheesecake instead of being sharp with your movements.
If there are some cracks and it isn’t a perfect cheesecake, you can use a knife to smooth out the cheesecake.
Spatula Method
This method requires three spatulas and is best done with a friend. The method begins in the same way as you need to leave the cheesecake in the fridge overnight. Once the baking process has finished, take the cheesecake out of the oven and allow it to cool.
Once chilled, you can heat the springform pan bottom if you wish to make it easier to lift the cheesecake from the pan.
Open the latches on the edge of the springform pan but instead of using a plate to slide the cheesecake, you will instead use the three spatulas to remove cheesecake from the springform pan.
When you remove the cheesecake in this way, you will need to be very coordinated with your partner. If you’re not careful, the cheesecake will not lift smoothly and can break.
Slide the three spatulas underneath the cheesecake and make sure it makes it under the crust. Get as far under the crust with the spatulas as you can.
Carefully lift the cheesecake from the springform pan and transfer it to a serving platter. You can smooth the edge of the cheesecake with a large knife if you need to.
Parchment Paper
This method for removing cheesecake from a springform pan uses parchment paper.
To prepare this method, you need to start before you bake your cheesecake. Cut a circle of parchment paper or non-stick baking paper that is a little larger than the bottom of the pan.
Put the parchment paper into the springform pan and pour the cheesecake batter into the pan.
You can also use parchment paper or non-stick baking paper to line the sides of the pan, too. With the inside edge of the springform pan lined too, the cheesecake batter won’t touch the pan at all.
Bake the cheesecake in the oven until it is fully baked. As before, take the cheesecake from the oven and allow it to cool. You can then unlatch the springform pan and carefully slide the cheesecake onto a serving plate or serving dish.
How To Make Removing Cheesecake Easier
Here are some general tips you can use when removing cheesecake from a springform pan.
Cool It First
It is always easier to remove cheesecake from a springform pan if it has cooled first. Even if you’re using a regular cake pan, a cooler cheesecake will be firmer and this makes it easier to lift or pull the cheesecake from the pan.
If the cheesecake isn’t firm enough, the crust can crumble.
Make Sure It Is Baked Correctly
It is also important to make sure that your cheesecake is fully baked before you take it out of the oven.
You can check this by gently shaking the pan. If the cheesecake is baked correctly, you should see that only the center of the cheesecake jiggles.
If the mixture sloshes over the sides of the pan, then it isn’t correctly baked. Return to the oven for further baking and only remove the cheesecake once baking is finished.
Use A Knife
Once baking has finished and the cheesecake has cooled, you can use a knife to remove the cheesecake from the edges of the pan.
You shouldn’t use a cold knife so make sure you heat it first. The easiest way to do this is by running it under hot water. The hot water will heat the metal of the knife and will help it slide around the edges of the pan.
Final Thoughts
There is no universal answer to which trick is the best to remove a cheesecake from a springform pan.
The first method of chilling the cake overnight and using a knife warmed in hot water to loosen the cheesecake onto a plate is the most popular.
However, lining the springform pan before baking in the oven is also popular and doesn’t require chilling the cheesecake overnight.
We would recommend trying each method to see which suits you best.