How To Know When Pumpkin Pie Is Done

Pumpkin pie is a perfect holiday meal. With just a few ingredients and a little bit of baking knowledge, you’re sure to be able make one of the easier members of the custard pie family.

However, if you’re new to baking then you might find yourself struggling to tell if your pumpkin pie is done. There’s nothing worse than taking a fresh pie out of the oven, cutting a slice, and discovering that it still needs some time to cook.

You might be wondering if there’s any real rule to check if it’s done – are there any little techniques you can use to tell quickly? If this sounds like you, then don’t panic! You’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’re going to be giving you a few simple tips to help tell if your pumpkin pie is done. We’ve made sure to include a series of different techniques so you can pick the one that suits you best. We’ve also included a short FAQ section that will give you a few tips.

Let’s get right into it!

How Long Does A Pumpkin Pie Take To Make?

So before we get to our final stage of seeing how you can tell if a pumpkin pie is done or not, let’s first make sure we understand the average cook time.

This will depend massively on the size of the pumpkin pie you’re baking, but generally, you can expect an average baking time to be around 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

It’s very important to note that you should try and stick to this time–as well as the correct oven temperature setting–without interrupting your pie’s baking process.

This will ensure that your pumpkin pie cooks evenly. However, some ovens will differ in terms of how quickly they gain and lose heat, so it’s usually best to keep an eye on your pie if you can.

Once it’s cooked for the required time, it’s time to take it out and check if it’s ready.

How To Know When Pumpkin Pie Is Done

4 Methods To Check If Your Pumpkin Pie Is Ready

1. By Sight

Okay so this is the first one, and usually only something you’ll be able to do if you’ve made a few pumpkin pies in your time.

This can be a tricky method, but it’s a great way to tell if you don’t want to cause any damage or blemishes to the surface of the pie.

You’re going to want to double-check that the crust of your pie is starting to brown. If it’s still very pale, then it’s likely that you still have a little bit of baking time left. 

The more difficult thing to tell is whether the middle of your pie is cooked or not.

A good rule to remember is that the middle should be at least a few shades darker than when you initially placed it in the oven. If there is a swirl of pie filling in the middle, then you can check to see if it has set a little. 

2. Jiggle Test

A second thing you can do to check your pie without disturbing it is to take it out of the oven and see how the filling moves.

Pick up the baking tray or dish that it’s on–make sure to use oven gloves so as not to burn yourself–and gently jiggle it.

If the filling of your pie moves like a wave, then you’ll know that it still needs a fair amount of time in the oven.

However, if the filling slightly jiggles, you’ll know that it is ready–or at least almost ready.  A baked pie should have at least some movement to it, but not so much that it is inedible.

3. The Classic Knife Test

The classic knife test is your next sure way to check a pie’s doneness. It’s very simple, but can cause some blemishes in an otherwise perfect pie.

All you need to do is place the knife into the center of the pie. Generally, the smaller the knife the better, and if you can try to only insert the very tip of the blade. This will allow you to easily check the consistency of your pumpkin pie’s filling.

If you take the blade out and it’s clean, then there’s a good chance that it is done. However, if your knife check comes out covered in pumpkin purée, then it’s going to need some additional time to bake.

Just a quick note here – you’re going to want to make sure not to try and repeat this to check on your pie crust.

It’s much easier to tell if your crust is cooked than it is the center – just make sure it’s golden brown. This will be one of the main things that will stop a soggy crust from happening.

4. Instant Read Thermometer

Okay so let’s say all of these are not the methods for you – or perhaps you’ve tried them, but you’re still not sure and worried that you could get food poisoning.

Although it’s unlikely to get sick from an undercooked pumpkin pie, that’s not to say you shouldn’t take precautions. In this case, you can check using an instant read thermometer.

A good internal temperature to look for most recipes is around 180°F. Make sure to place the thermometer in the centre of your pie, where it’s most likely to be cool.

If it’s lower, then you can simply place it back into the oven immediately and continue baking.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it! We hope that this guide has given you some methods to check your pumpkin pie.

In time, you’ll likely be able to tell with sight, but if not then make sure to use one of the checking methods we explained above.

Don’t worry too much about blemishes or holes in it – once your pie cools you’ll be cutting slices anyway and it’s unlikely anyone will know!

We hope that you enjoy your perfectly baked, homemade pumpkin pie!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Use Whipped Cream On A Pumpkin Pie?

Whipped cream is a common addition to add onto the top of a pumpkin pie. This is usually after the pie cools and served. You can even get infused types of whipped cream such as maple, which go well with pumpkin pie.

Can You Eat Still Warm Pumpkin Pie?

Pumpkin pie is often eaten cold, but you can still eat it warm. Just know that you should allow it to cool for at least 30 minutes, as the pumpkin purée needs time to set before consuming.

Why Am I Getting Small Bubbles On My Pumpkin Pie?

Small bubbles on the custard of your pie are a good indication that it’s overbaked, so if you see these watch out!

What Is The Suggested Baking Time For A Pumpkin Pie?

This depends on the size of your pie, but generally you’re going to want to cook a 9-inch pie for around 20 minutes.

A smaller, 5-inch pie will only take around 15.

Picture of Kathryn Sewell

Kathryn Sewell

Hi! I'm Kate and I have been baking and cooking for as long as I can remember. I like to share the most interesting tips and recipes I try here on What Kate Baked for you to enjoy. If you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share send it over on social.

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