How Long Does Sourdough Bread Last?

So, you have a freshly baked sourdough bread but you want to store it for the time being.

The question is, how long does sourdough bread last? Well, if sourdough bread does not have certain chemical preservatives, it is unlikely to last very long at all.

Of course, for many of us in busy households, a fresh loaf of bread doesn’t tend to last very long. Therefore, its shelf life isn’t always important. But, this isn’t the same for everyone.

Many people do not have the chance to eat sourdough bread, fresh out of the oven, every day.

If you tend to eat sourdough bread slowly, throughout the week, or over a longer period, you’ll need to know how to store it properly, whether it’s homemade sourdough bread or store-bought.

In today’s blog, we will be exploring how to store sourdough bread to help it last for as long as possible. Without proper storage, you’ll be left with stale bread and, in the end, a waste of a loaf.

So, let’s get started and find out more about the shelf-life and storage of sourdough bread.

How To Keep Your Sourdough Bread Fresh

For many types of food, storing them in the refrigerator is a proven way of helping it last longer. But, for bread, especially a freshly baked loaf, the same cannot be said.

If you have fresh bread, its aroma is divine, especially when it fills your kitchen.

Therefore, you’ll want to store it for longer-lasting use. But, do not even think about using your fridge. A refrigerator’s interior can be a very harsh place for storing bread.

This is because it is generally too cold and too dry for sourdough bread to survive.

When placed in a fridge, sourdough bread tends to get stale and hard much quicker than if it was simply left out on the counter. Thankfully, though, storing whole loaves of sourdough bread is relatively easy.

You may be wondering if you should store sourdough loaves in a bread box, on the counter, or in a plastic bag for it to last longer.

In general, a bread box, or a cupboard, are the best places to store sourdough bread, or any kind of fresh loaf for that matter. For best results, keep sourdough bread in a cool, dry place at room temperature.

Bread boxes are specially designed to keep freshly baked goods crisp and edible for longer. They give bread enough air circulation to keep it fresher for longer.

Furthermore, if you wrap sourdough bread in a tea towel, within a bread box or cupboard, it can prevent many external factors from affecting the bread’s quality, especially its air moisture levels.

You can also place your sourdough bread into a plastic bag for storage in a bread box. Seal it with a piece of cord and it should last for longer.

If you have warm bread, you need to let it cool completely before placing it in a plastic bag or wrap at room temperature.

You can also use aluminum foil if you preferred. Although plastic bags are generally useable, they can cause condensation, which can moisten your sourdough bread and cause mold growth.

And, no one wants soft bread on their hands!

Instead of plastic, consider wrapping your sourdough bread in a close paper bag. This will prevent the bread from drying out too quickly, whilst also allowing air to circulate.

Use Your Freezer For Homemade Sourdough Bread

If you have fresh homemade bread, you can freeze in a heavy duty freezer bag. Again, you should always ensure it has cooled down sufficiently before you freeze bread.

Simply take out your bread and slice it on a cutting board before freezing. This helps to save time as the bread will thaw i the pieces that you want.

Freezing sourdough bread can help it last longer than most other methods. The freezing process helps to preserve moisture inside bread, making it last and be edible for longer.

Whether you have a few pieces of bread left or you have a whole loaf, you can store it in your freezer for future use.

Sourdough bread can be frozen for an astonishing six months. However, after this period, its flavor will not be as strong.

Just remember to make sure the bread has completely cooled before being placed into a freezer for storage.

Re-Bake Your Sourdough Bread

A great way to bring a whole loaf back to life is to re-bake it after2 to 4 days of storage.

Simply spray the bread with a sprinkle of water and bake in the middle of the rack at 325 for around 25 to 30 minutes.

This may seem like a long process, but once you try your cut loaf, you will see that the wait was worth it!

Once you take the bread out of the oven, allow it to cool completely. Even if you think your bread has passed its prime, re-baking it can bring life back.

A good bake can give sourdough bread a longer shelf life and make it as delicious as it was when you first bought it.

How To Know When Sourdough Bread Has Gone Bad

There are certain ways and signs to look out for to see when your sourdough bread has gone off. The easiest and best way is to simply smell and visually inspect the bread.

If it smells ‘off’ or its appearance looks slightly stale, you should discard the whole loaf. If any mold is present, it has definitely gone bad and needs to be thrown out immediately.

In Summary

To prevent sourdough bread from going bad, you should follow strict bread storage rules. The best methods are to keep it in a ziploc-bag, or in an airtight container, in a cool place and dry environment.

Try not to keep your sourdough bread in the fridge, as this will usually shorten its lifespan. But, by all means, store it in your freezer to stall the staling process.

If sourdough bread is stored properly, you can enjoy it for longer!

Thanks for reading!

Picture of Kathryn Sewell

Kathryn Sewell

Hi! I'm Kate and I have been baking and cooking for as long as I can remember. I like to share the most interesting tips and recipes I try here on What Kate Baked for you to enjoy. If you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share send it over on social.

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